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Book Club at Ellington Library

Book Club meeting at Ellington Library. Bring a book or borrow one of ours, hang out and chat with other readers, and take some time to relax and read.

Welcome to our new, soon to be named Book Club!  

We want to give book lovers of all ages a chance to gather, read, discuss books, and look forward to a fun & enjoyable evening.  Unlike classic book clubs, we won't require you to read a certain book in any time frame...just bring a book or borrow one of ours, relax, and read in good company.  Can't stay the whole time? That's fine...leave early or come in late...the point in this gathering is to give area readers a chance to gather and share a love of reading.  

We will meet the 2nd & 4th Friday of each month.

*If you are interested in this, but the schedule doesn't work out, please reach out. We want input and are open to adjusting the schedule or adding book club gatherings at a more convenient day/time.  

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